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Cultural indicators allow for the generation of information about the cultural expressions and productions existing in a given territory, and their generation becomes more agile and widely used based on communication and information technologies (ICTs) such as business intelligence (BI). Within this theme, this technological article aims to develop a dashboard of cultural indicators using a BI tool and techniques based on data from museums in Belo Horizonte (MG), Brazil. The methodology adopted uses documentary research and is based on BI techniques to process the information collected by the Planning and Monitoring of Cultural Indicators Management of the Municipal Secretariat of Culture of Belo Horizonte from 2018 onwards. Specific requirements were defined, followed by data collection and analysis. Subsequently, we implemented the functionalities in the system to develop the interactive dashboard using the Power BI tool. The results indicate that the dashboard provides valuable insights into museum activities, programs, audiences and public policies. The conclusions suggest that the study contributes to a more effective use of cultural data, encouraging improvements in cultural practices and policies in Belo Horizonte and offering a deeper understanding of local cultural dynamics.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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