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With the COVID-19 pandemic and the implementation of non-pharmacological interventions, consumer habits have changed, causing an increase in online purchases and stimulating the use of "". In view of this, the research aims to investigate complaints on the "" platform in order to measure the resolution of conflicts during the COVID-19 pandemic - 2nd half of 2019 and 1st half of 2022. In order to achieve the desired results, this study used explanatory research, the deductive method, which starts from general assumptions to specific ones, that is, from consumer legislation to the practice of conflict resolution on the platform in question; the qualitative nature and the use of indirect documentation, especially documentary techniques (legislation and secondary data from the website) and bibliographic techniques (doctrine and articles). In the period analyzed, we found a total of 3,290,218 complaints; 3,249,902 responses; 1,614,439 unassessed responses and 961,005 resolved complaints. In this time frame, 98.77% of the complaints were answered; 49.07% of the responses were not evaluated and 29.21% of the complaints were resolved. It can therefore be concluded that the "" website is partially effective in resolving out-of-court disputes - confirming the hypothesis raised. However, given the low number of complaints resolved and the high number of responses not evaluated, it can be seen that the "" platform needs to be more effective in resolving complaints.
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Copyright (c). Conjuncture Bulletin (BOCA)
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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