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Elderson Melo de Miranda
Helder Carlos de Miranda


The research aimed to analyze how Acre’s theater groups constructed and expressed their regional identities through their performances. The methodology adopted was a qualitative approach, with Critical Discourse Analysis (ADC) as the main method and data collection procedure. Data were collected through questionnaires and semi-structured interviews with artists, as well as through the analysis of a performance recording. Data analysis was carried out through content analysis, specifically critical discourse analysis. The investigation’s results revealed the existence of a regional style in theatrical performances during the studied period. The regional discourses present in these performances appeared as forms of identification and differentiation of social groups based on geographical, historical, cultural, and political issues linked to the ideal of Acrean regional identities and Acreanity. The essay concludes that these theatrical productions were an important instrument for expressing and politically and economically disseminating the Acrean regional identity, especially the myth of Acreanity. These productions aided in a narrative that exalts the specificities of Acre, such as the fight for its independence, the preservation of the forest, ethnic diversity, and cultural resistance.

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How to Cite
MIRANDA, E. M. de; MIRANDA, H. C. de. REGIONAL IDENTITIES AND ACREANITY IN THE THEATER PRACTICE OF ACREANO GROUPS (1999 -2010). Conjuncture Bulletin (BOCA), Boa Vista, v. 17, n. 50, p. 330–350, 2024. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10699360. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 may. 2024.


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