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Since the end of the Second World War, Brazil has sought to develop technology in the aeronautical and space field. To this end, it sought to leverage its incipient industry through international cooperation with Germany, Canada, the United States and France. The highlighted project in the seventies was the Black Brandt rocket, Alcântara. The main objective of this work is to show the geopolitical importance of Brazil for the launch of space vehicles and the Brazilian effort to leverage the aerospace cluster. The methodological approach adopted is historical analysis of content, analytical and qualitative work. The sources used were mainly based on documents and periodicals of the time, as well as bibliographical research in the area of defense and space. Thus, we analyzed the beginnings of the Brazilian Space Program until the installation of the Alcântara Launch Center (CLA). The result of the analysis demonstrates that Brazil had many difficulties in implementing the space system, having to establish partnerships with other countries in search of technical knowledge, scientists, specialized materials and facing all types of resistance and international competition, but it has an important advantage: its geographic location.
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