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Design Thinking and Computational Thinking can be considered two important skills for solving problems in contemporary times, and it is important to develop them during all stages of education. Therefore, searching for scientific works that provide experience reports on the application of teaching-learning strategies that sought to develop both skills is a good way for teachers to become familiar with the topic and take ownership of it. Thus, the objective of this study was to analyze scientific productions that present reports of experiences of pedagogical situations where teaching-learning activities were carried out that sought to develop skills related to Computational Thinking and/or Design Thinking among students. To this end, we carried out a Systematic Literature Review, in bases such as the Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (BDTD), EDS integrated search engine (EBSCO DISCOVERY SCIENCE) from the Federal University of Sergipe, CAPES Periodicals Portal, OasisBr and Scopus. We identified 6 studies that met the work guidelines, which were analyzed in full. As a result, we realized that research that adopts Design Thinking for the development of Computational Thinking is based on phases already consolidated by companies such as IDEO, Stanford Design School and IBM. The most used techniques are brainstorming and prototyping. Elementary education was the educational level most studied by the sample studies. Finally, we found that Design thinking improves problem-solving capacity, enhances creativity, promotes collaboration and increases student motivation, when adopted to teach Computational Thinking. RSL contributed to raising awareness about Design Thinking and Computational Thinking, which can be worked on separately or combined, while demonstrating steps and resources that have been used to develop these skills among students, encouraging teachers to learn about the themes, appropriate them in order to develop them in themselves and with their learners.
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