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Géssica Keylla Santos Mendes
Gabriel Jäger Ramos
Regina Basso Zanon


One of the earliest signs of autism is a deficit in the ability to engage in triadic Shared Attention (SA) relationships. Therefore, interventions that can enhance the socio-communicative development of individuals with ASD are important. This is because exchanges and interactions between people contribute to the individual's socio-cognitive development, establishing learning processes through imitation and the improvement of cognitive skills. Therefore, the objective of this research was to investigate changes in the quantity and quality of socio-communicative and relational behaviors, during interactive scenes between adults and a child with autism, adopting music and musical instruments as mediators of social exchanges. To achieve the objective of this research, a single case study of a quantitative nature was carried out with a boy with ASD, during an intervention that was developed from the creation of a work protocol involving semi-structured sessions with musical activities, a context that enabled observation of the socio-communicative behaviors of the adult-child dyad. In addition to the intervention, the instruments PROTEA-R, SRS-2, IDADI and General History and Musical Interest Interview were used to collect data. Six 30-minute video-recorded sessions were held, which were divided into 18 episodes, 3 episodes per session. Within each episode, scenes of interaction between the adult-child dyad were observed. The results showed that (1) the adult's interactive style that appeared most was the directive style; (2) the shared attention response was the most frequent child behavior; (3) music played an important role in mediating the triadic relationship adult-music-child, favoring the emergence of socio-communicative behaviors with declarative purposes and the understanding of intentionality. It is concluded that music (through musical instruments and songs) played an important role in mediating the triadic relationship between adult-music-child, favoring the emergence of socio-communicative behaviors with declarative purposes and the understanding of intentionality.

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How to Cite
MENDES, G. K. S. .; RAMOS, G. J. .; ZANON, R. B. . INTERACTIVE STYLES AND SOCIO-COMMUNICATIVE BEHAVIORS IN THE CONTEXT OF MUSIC SESSIONS WITH A CHILD WITH AUTISM. Conjuncture Bulletin (BOCA), Boa Vista, v. 17, n. 49, p. 348–367, 2024. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10542051. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 dec. 2024.


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