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This article presents data from exploratory research, of psychogenetic nature, whose theme deals with the appropriation of the writing system by children in the literacy process, with the main objective of comprehensively analyzing the conceptualizations of Brazilian children who already phonetize writing, bringing up reflections and decisions made about the order of letters in written production. The participating children were 6 and 7 years old, in the 1st year of Elementary School. The methodology used in the investigation was based on a qualitative approach, with the clinical-critical method, which had as data collection procedures the use of semi-structured interviews, direct observation and documentary analysis. The data analysis is supported by the content analysis proposed by Bardin (2016). The results highlighted the power of the acts of writing and revision by the children themselves, highlighting the disorder with relevance as a phenomenon that appeared from the writings categorized as syllabic-alphabetic; Cognitive problems were faced regarding disorder with relevance when there was a consonant in the double attack position (consonant-consonant-vowel) and children wrote maintaining the syllable structure, but in disorder, transforming consonant-consonant-vowel into consonant-vowel-consonant or the disyllable in trisyllable with consonant-vowel structure. From the data analysis, this work concludes that it is essential to consider children's ideas, as a political decision to provide their right to be listened and understood through respectful literacy.
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Copyright (c). Conjuncture Bulletin (BOCA)
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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