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The purpose of this essay is to present the history of Women's Reproductive and Sexual Rights, first from a Western perspective, demonstrating the main international conferences and agreements and how this has affected the debate over these rights in Brazil. Firstly, it is pointed out that Reproductive and Sexual Rights arose from demands that emerged after the two great world wars, listing that although the debate has become a global issue, each country has its specificities, and therefore, these rights must also be visualized according to the political, cultural and social issues of each location. The second event, in addition to presenting the confrontations experienced by feminists in the battle for the legitimation and realization of Reproductive and Sexual Rights, contextualizes the scenario of the 1960-1990s, demonstrating the feminist posture in the period of re-democratization and the importance of raising this agenda, as a necessary element for gender equality. The method was of qualitative ordering; the bibliographic resource was used to allow this immersion in the theme. The results show that the Reproductive and Sexual Rights of Women are still affected by difficulties in legitimizing and complying with the laws, that is, many women still face obstacles when they need assistance
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