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Renata Cury Caruso
Sani de Carvalho Rutz da Silva
Renato Marcondes


This research aims to perform a Systematic Review (RS) through the PRISMA 2020 Protocol, which presents to the reader the main problems and solutions of 3D printing processes, more specifically the Fusion Modeling and Deposition (FDM). The methodology adopted was a RS through the PRISMA 2020 Protocol, using as a research source the following databases: SciELO Brazil, Oasisbr, Google Scholar, Scopus and Web of Sciente. It was adopted as keywords: 3D printing; FDM; 3D printing parameters; printing problems and problems (and their respective English versions). As a result, we found 44 studies that met the inclusion criteria, developed mainly in China and Brazil. The problems found were categorized into 11 classes defined a posteriori: Adhesion of the first layer to the printing table; Effects of temperature on the printing result; Mechanical properties achieved in the printing process; Adhesion between layers; 3D printing software; Stringing; Geometric variations; Moisture in the filament; Surface finishing; Need for support structures in printing and multi-material printing. We highlight the importance of the contributions found in this RS for the optimization of the process of using 3D printers in educational environments, enabling teachers to develop printed objects with higher quality and without the need for unnecessary tests, thus reducing the loss of material and working time, facilitating their access and use of this technology.

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How to Cite
CARUSO, R. C.; SILVA, S. de C. R. da; MARCONDES, R. USE OF 3D PRINTING IN EDUCATION: SYSTEMATIC REVIEW ON THE MAIN PROBLEMS FOUND. Conjuncture Bulletin (BOCA), Boa Vista, v. 16, n. 47, p. 448–473, 2023. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10208017. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.


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