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Bataille argued that eroticism was a primordial and essential force in human existence. In this research, we will explore how Bataille challenges social norms and invites us to rethink human nature through the lens of sexual desire. The methodology used was bibliographical research, carried out in a systematic and organized way, following some basic steps. The first stage consisted of defining the study topic and delimiting the research object, to direct the search more efficiently. After defining the theme, a bibliographic search was carried out in different sources of information, such as books, scientific articles, theses, dissertations, technical reports, among others. It is concluded that Georges Bataille's philosophy brought a deep and complex approach to eroticism as an object of study. His vision of eroticism as a primordial and transgressive force, capable of providing pleasure and transcendence, brought new perspectives to the field of philosophy. Furthermore, his emphasis on ethical responsibility and the importance of human connection makes his approach even more relevant today.
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Copyright (c). Conjuncture Bulletin (BOCA)
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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