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In this paper, we deal with the reading and writing of the discursive genre Class Memory (CM) in Higher Education (ES), based on the production and reading of this genre, these conceived as dialogical processes that take place based on the intertwining of speeches given in the classroom class, in a given communicative situation. We aim to understand how an MA can be produced and how it can be (re)constructive of meanings during its reading, aiming to encourage other teachers to adopt similar practices in their classes. Methodologically, our research is qualitative and, in terms of purposes, descriptive, exploratory and explanatory in nature. The data were generated from textual productions produced by students in the 2nd period of the undergraduate course in Pedagogy at a Higher Education Institution (HEI) in the city of Goiânia-GO, Brazil. The interpretative and reflective analyzes were carried out based on the bibliographical survey carried out, weaving a dialogue between the theories and the data generated. The theoretical foundation comes from studies on the dialogical theory of language of the Bakhtin Circle in dialogue with Vygotsky's sociocultural theory and the perspective of Paulo Freire's critical pedagogy. As a result of the study, we can assess that the experience of CM production proves the production of discursive genres as a living language practice capable of making interlocutors interact and produce new knowledge. In this way, the reading subjects recognize and experience possibilities and acceptability of meaning given to the text through verbal interaction, in which the effects of meaning grasped in the collective scope go beyond the meanings that the author of the text managed to convey while writing or, even, they exceed the expectations of the ramification of meanings that he had when producing the written speech, giving new meaning to the text. Therefore, based on the results and discussions presented, we conclude that the production and reading of CM as a methodological resource contributes dialogically to the formation of more active, responsive subjects, more open to reading and writing practices and more committed to the process of teaching-learning of which they are part, becoming an evaluative-training instrument suitable for Portuguese Language (PL) classes and other curricular components, not just in ES.
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