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Delcineide Maria Ferreira Segadilha



This work is part of the theme of school culture with a focus on the organization and dissemination of school knowledge. The debate about how what schools teach are organized and disseminated is part of the discussion about the relevance and legitimacy of the definition of what is agreed to be relevant for everyone to learn, or not relevant and should be forgotten. In this way, a reflection is made on the contribution of school programs in the (de)construction of what society learns. A demand, certainly, defined by economic and political guidelines with an international bias. This article communicates the results of research with the general objective: to analyze to what extent the teaching programs implemented at the Benedito Leite Model School (1900-1920) constitute evidence of the adequacy of local public education to the ideals of a high school education. modern character. As for the methodology, it is an exploratory research; qualitative research was used as a method of approach, with Cultural History as its paradigm and History of Education as its domain; as a method of procedure, bibliographic and documentary research was used. As a result, it was verified in the programs prepared for the Benedito Leite Model School, for all six years of elementary education, based on the privileged knowledge in the programs, the elements highlighted by the modern educational order and the political regime imposed in Brazil at the time. These included, respectively, the scientific and utilitarian characteristics disseminated as the ideal of modern education worldwide. We conclude that the teaching programs of the Benedito Leite Model School constituted signs of the adequacy of local public education to the ideals of modern education, insofar as they disseminated teaching of a scientific and utilitarian nature, characteristic elements of the ideal of modernity advocated worldwide. A process made possible by the path of educational innovation, in which Escola Modelo Benedito Leite implemented the modern educational concept in São Luís-MA.

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How to Cite
SEGADILHA, D. M. F. TEACHING PROGRAMS AT THE BENEDITO LEITE MODEL SCHOOL IN SÃO LUÍS (1900-1920): INDICATIONS OF ADEQUACY OF LOCAL PUBLIC EDUCATION TO THE IDEALS OF A MODERN EDUCATION? . Conjuncture Bulletin (BOCA), Boa Vista, v. 16, n. 46, p. 709–736, 2023. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10056513. Disponível em: https://revista.ioles.com.br/boca/index.php/revista/article/view/2428. Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.


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