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The Tropic of Capricorn cuts through the Brazilian states of Paraná, São Paulo and Mato Grosso. A territory that, in the 16th century, was under Spanish control. The current triple border formed by Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina are located in this same and modified territory. In it, memories of the past and present intersect in different ways. We present the discussion on the text of a Military Report, written in 1942, written by the 3rd Sergeant of the Army, Manuel Cursino Dias Paredes, during his visit to this triple border; he travels by hydrographic route on the Iguassu, Paraná and Ivai rivers, retracing itineraries that date back to imperial and indigenous ancestries in territorial dispute in the 16th century. The source is part of the DOPS/Pr collection. An analysis of this historical source, sifted through a hermeneutic process, must insert itself in time and inquire about its content, how, when, by whom and where it was constructed? There are signs of the present time: the 1940s where national identity and integration were the themes that involved historiographical production, diplomacy and the actions of military forces. The result of the analysis showed that words, concepts and itineraries are full of meanings, displacements and co-creations (DELEUZE and GUATARRI,2000); its discourse is of the normative order (FOUCAUT, 2014) and document storage reveals practices of memory conservationism (ALBUQUERQUE JR,2013; POLLAK,1989; LE GOFF,2003) in the face of the social demands of the present time. The hermeneutic method adopted in the documentary analysis allowed us to understand the displacement that the production of a Report carries out among phantasmagoria built on the territorial dispute and which were practiced/remembered in documentary form in 1940; The fragment and analysis allows us to conclude and think about the Greek myths of Aion and Cronos that Deleuze and Guatarri point out as weaving and controlling time, that is, that political practices of controlling memory and territory weave the present with ghostly memories of the past. This article is an interpretative essay on these possibilities.
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