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The 2000s mark the promotion and strengthening of Science, Technology, and Innovation in Brazil. With the enactment of the legal framework for innovation, in 2016, the country sought to meet the need for development aligned with strategies that improve the scientific and technological environment, in order to solidify the economy and increase its competitive capacity. Among these strategies, the country focused on reducing project bureaucracy, control based on results, expanding cooperation and interaction between the public and private sectors, in addition to initiatives for regional development. From this perspective, funding agencies, such as the Federal District Research Support Foundation (FAPDF), played an important role in this process. This article aims to verify and present issues that encourage qualitative improvement in the project evaluation process as a result of the adoption of the principles brought by the legal framework for innovation. For this, we sought through a literature survey and document analysis of public notices published in the period 2015 to 2020, to identify how the process of evaluating innovation projects submitted to FAPDF has been taking place. The content analysis identified that the FAPDF needs to intensify the identification of projects to be subsidized with a future thought on what should be “harvested” like results. Therefore, it is necessary to expand the planning and evaluation exercise in a systematic and strategic way to minimize the uncertainties of project failures and expand decision-making power based on experiences already analyzed.
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