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Knowledge is the main strategic resource for the organization, influencing activities and behaviors related to the integration and innovation. In this context, knowledge management becomes a valuable strategic resource for organizations, particularly public ones and even more so for educational ones, which deal with knowledge from its inception. Thus, this study aims to establish a set of management practices for knowledge sharing and for the integrative process in the virtual teams of a federal public teaching institution. The research was developed in a qualitative approach, with a descriptive and exploratory character, through survey and use of documentary and opinion research techniques. Data collection was carried out from brief bibliographical research on the subject; and a survey carried out via a collection instrument, answered by the main managers of a selected institution. The interpretation of the collected material used the descriptive statistical technique and paraconsistent logic. As a result, a technical artifact is proposed, in the form of a set of management procedures, for knowledge management in virtual teams. The knowledge-sharing approach in work relationships concerns the team's performance based on trust, interaction and good communication between members. The proposal is original and unfolds from the study of the intersection between the areas of knowledge management and people management to encourage knowledge sharing and the integrative process in the teams of a federal public educational institution.
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