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Barbie, the best-selling doll since 1959, is back in the spotlight in 2023 with the film directed by Greta Gerwig. However, in the film, the doll's glamorous, pink universe is crossed by social dilemmas and problems that permeate contemporary society. In this sense, this article is intended to carry out a film analysis of the feature film Barbie (2023) and discuss the role of the Barbie doll in children's development. The methodology of film analysis will be used to analyze the data after breaking down the film and comparing it with the theoretical framework obtained by searching databases such as Google Scholar, Scielo and books on the subject, as well as drawing up a semiotic map. The results indicated that the film approaches the toy as something that cannot be manipulated by the child, and that the beauty standards that the doll represents are incompatible with the human body, causing physical and mental health problems for those who use the doll as a model. Finally, we conclude that although the film offers new insights into patriarchy and the position of women in society, the Barbie doll continues to be a social representation of a small section of society. Furthermore, the Barbie brand has a range of animations that are impoverished in terms of creativity, language and social criticism, which are educationally available on streams, and which carry strong values of wealth, perfection and beauty, in a non-human and oppressive standard, especially for women.
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