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Conceição de Maria Belfort de Carvalho
Karoliny Diniz Carvalho
Ilza do Socorro Galvão Cutrim
Kláutenys Dellene Guedes Cutrim
Rozuíla Neves Lima


The theme of this essay delas with the new nuances of urban planning ande the features that contemporary cities acquire from the increased intensification of relations between local and global, urban entrepreneurship and a growing process of culturalization of urban life. The aim is to understand, based on theories about cities, the set of transformations resulting from post-industrial or post-modern capitalism, and how it is reflected in the new dynamics of organization and consumption of urban spaces. As for the methodology, it is a bibliographical study on globalization and culturalization in cities, based on several authors who address this theme. The results allow to ponder the need for a critical and reflective look at about urban planning, city marketing and the culturalization of urban life on human actions that incorporate new rationalities in the modes of organization, production and consumption of spaces in the contemporary scenario. We conclude that, in culturally based urban recovery processes, aspects such as the creative cities model and the work of professionals working in the cultural industry.

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How to Cite
CARVALHO, C. de M. B. de .; CARVALHO, K. D.; CUTRIM, I. do S. G.; CUTRIM, K. D. G.; LIMA, R. N. GLOBALIZATION AND CULTURALIZATION IN CONTEMPORARY CITIES: THE NEW SHADES OF URBAN PLANNING. Conjuncture Bulletin (BOCA), Boa Vista, v. 15, n. 43, p. 595–607, 2023. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8200288. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 dec. 2024.


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