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Climate change already affects everyone. Anthropogenic actions produce planetary impacts and accelerate global warming. Municipalities around the world have been suffering from heat waves, prolonged droughts, torrential rains, tornadoes, cyclones, hurricanes, among others, which are increasingly recurrent. The objective of this essay is to show that cities have a strategic role, both in facing these atmospheric changes that we are experiencing, as well as in the decision-making power for coping actions. For this, we use the concept of geographic scale as a methodology, as a conceptual tool to articulate the different conflicting and complex levels of the current climate crisis. Identifying urban singularities, through a closer approximation of people's spatial reality, using this concept, is necessary to mitigate the social consequences of the process. The results elucidated that cities have unique characteristics to generate adaptations to these current climate changes, through a closer and more effective look at the local scale.
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