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Ana Karoline Gomes Evangelista
Rickardo Léo Ramos Gomes


The post-pandemic world has brought numerous challenges to the procurement sector, including lockdowns in countries that supply raw materials, high price fluctuations, raw material shortages, and increased fuel costs, among others. All sectors of the economy have been affected, with some companies opening, others adapting, and many closing their doors. This scenario demands that procurement professionals adopt new strategies to conduct negotiations, avoid disruptions, and remain competitive in the market. To develop this work, a mixed approach was adopted, involving both qualitative and quantitative approaches, which were developed through the following research procedures: the application of deductive method, literature review, and case study. The overall objective of this research is to demonstrate the impacts suffered by the distribution sector of medicines and medical materials related to COVID-19 treatment, and how this sector has adapted to the changing landscape. It is reported that the actions implemented by the distributor could have undergone more pronounced administrative hermeneutics to prevent the losses observed. Finally, the research highlights that the buyer tends to be increasingly strategic, and in the pandemic scenario, has become a key player not only in product acquisition but also in price and inventory management, due to direct contact with manufacturers, suppliers, and the market as a whole, identifying demand and price changes more quickly.

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How to Cite
EVANGELISTA, A. K. G. .; GOMES, R. L. R. . . POST-PANDEMIC PURCHASE MANAGEMENT IN A DRUG DISTRIBUTOR. Conjuncture Bulletin (BOCA), Boa Vista, v. 14, n. 40, p. 463–477, 2023. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7877837. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.


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