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Maria Carmem Silva Batista


This work presents research about the contributions of the use of gamification as a strategy for the formation of literary readers, investigating the potentialities and limitations of this strategy when allied to the work with literature. The perception of the need to use new technologies and active methodologies such as gamification, to favor the formation of readers in the Brazilian educational context, is the justification for this work, which defends literary reading as an agent of transformation of individuals. As a theoretical basis for the research, authors such as Lima (2023), Kok (2022), Antonietti (2022), Moreira (2018), Moran (2018), among others, were used to address the concepts and specificities about technological advances, reading, literature and gamification. The methodology focused on the state of the art, where bibliographical research was carried out, to map and list the academic productions in the last five years, on the relationship between gamification and the formation of literary readers. Along the way, we found four surveys within our theme, and we concluded that all of them evaluate the use of gamification in the formation of the literary reader as positive.

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How to Cite
BATISTA, M. C. S. GAMIFICATION IN LITERARY READER TRAINING. Conjuncture Bulletin (BOCA), Boa Vista, v. 14, n. 40, p. 251–269, 2023. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7811305. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.


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