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Bruna Brito Bastos
Gutemberg de Vilhena Silva
Rafael Pontes Lima


The present study aims to elaborate an overview of research on the environment of Amapa in terms of the application of science, technology and innovation. With an exploratory-descriptive character and with concomitant mixed methods techniques, the research used a bibliographic review on the concept of techno-ecological frontier and a bibliometric analysis of open access articles published between 2000 and 2020, whose data were later organized on the Amapá Techno-ecological Frontier platform (FrontecAP) based on the Canvas methodology. A total of 367 articles aligned with the axes of Biotechnology, Renewable Energies, Socio-environmental Management and Environmental Management were retrieved, indicating that the sustainable use of the environment is a topic in evidence and that production has increased with the evolution of the state's scientific infrastructure, but public policies that promote socio-environmentally responsible projects are still necessary. The validation with users pointed out that the availability of centralized and systematized data can especially help managers, researchers and companies in the state, since it contributes to the foundation and improvement of investigations and public policies for the development of Amapá.

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How to Cite
BASTOS, B. B.; SILVA, G. de V. .; LIMA, R. P. . BIBLIOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF SCIENTIFIC PRODUCTION ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE ENVIRONMENT AND THE TECHNO-ECOLOGICAL VECTOR IN THE EASTERN BRAZILIAN AMAZON. Conjuncture Bulletin (BOCA), Boa Vista, v. 13, n. 39, p. 220–237, 2023. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7726727. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 may. 2024.


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