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This article will discuss the treatment that may be given by Brazil, in the event of an attack caused by crackers, which may be attributed to another State, and which neutralizes the functioning of the cybernetic infrastructure of the Brazilian Judiciary. This article will use the methodology of bibliographic research, carried out through a literature review in specialized articles on scientific platforms and books on the subject, raising conceptual and doctrinal aspects, especially focused on information technologies, as well as doctrinal concepts of Law Public International. Throughout the development of this work, we will also seek to analyze legal data and sources of law that answer the question of the research problem, on the justification or not of the use of military force, in response to this type of attack on the Brazilian Judiciary. We hope, by discussing this research question, that we will raise data both of academic importance and of importance for strengthening mutual respect between subjects of International Law, in the protection of their cybernetic infrastructure dedicated to State issues.
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Copyright (c). Conjuncture Bulletin (BOCA)
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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