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Marcos Manoel da Silva
Giovani Christian Velozo
Elisa Henning
Avanilde Kemczinski
Guilherme Mendes Tomaz dos Santos


The objective of this study is to present the construction and validation process of the instrument for data collection. The research is of a mixed nature, regarding the qualitative approach, it presents an exploratory course and systematically describes the actions carried out and, regarding the quantitative approach, it presents numerical data from statistical tests for the validation of the instrument. The content validity model according to Pasquali (2010) was used, which consists of three procedures, namely: theoretical – construction of the instrument; empirical – expert analysis; and analytical – use of collected data to carry out statistical validation tests. The participating experts were fourteen master's students linked to the Graduate Program in Teaching Science, Mathematics and Technologies (PPGECMT). The validation of the instrument was carried out using the following evaluative criteria of clarity, pertinence and appearance through a questionnaire with a Likert scale of 1 to 5 points. As statistical results, an Average Grade≥ 4.5 was obtained per evaluative criterion and for all the questions analyzed, the General Agreement Index ≥ 0.73 and the General Content Validity Index ≥ 0.90 were obtained, which according to Pasquali (2010) considers the instrument validated and ready for use. As future actions, qualitative analyzes will be carried out on the open questions to identify the opinions and suggestions made by the specialists for the instrument.

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How to Cite
SILVA, M. M. da; VELOZO, G. C.; HENNING, E.; KEMCZINSKI, A.; SANTOS, . G. M. T. dos . STUDENT ENGAGEMENT AND SATISFACTION IN DIFFERENTIAL AND INTEGRAL CALCULUS I: FOCUS ON ADAPTATION AND VALIDATION OF A DATA COLLECTION INSTRUMENT. Conjuncture Bulletin (BOCA), Boa Vista, v. 14, n. 40, p. 34–50, 2023. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7800225. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 dec. 2024.


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