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João Dele


The quick and unforeseen changes, caused by COVID-19 pandemic in person’s lives hide not yet fully studied effects, with individual and collective mental health, in family and work environments, being one of the most affected aspects. The concern of countries, institutions, communities, and individuals to defend themselves from the contagion and disease exposes them to psychophysiological, social, and work pressures, that can cause adverse effects. Objectives: This study aims to a preliminary understanding of individual and collective mental health of ISCED-B employees, teachers, and administrative technicians, from the perspective of positive psychology, looking at their potential and human virtues, through the study of the conditions and processes conductive to their well-being. Methodology: 14 ISCED-B employees (15% of total) responded to a questionnaire survey, with open and multiple-choice questions, in online format, concerning several aspects of professional, personal, and collective life, in institutional context, formulated from the perspective of attitudes, actions, and situations that promote well-being in work environment. Results: A negative influence of environmental factors on the quality of work and low investment in interpersonal relationships was found, favoring personal interests and opportunities at the expense of cooperation, weakening institutional efforts, and causing greater wear and tear in daily tasks, becoming a demotivating factor. Conclusion: The need to work institutionally on a health concept that overcomes the health/disease dichotomy and places the two concepts on a continuum emerges, encouraging a greater employee participation in understanding and construction of health in its own context.

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How to Cite
DELE, J. MENTAL HEALTH FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY: AN EXPLORATORY STUDY AT THE SUPERIOR INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION SCIENCES IN BENGUELA - ANGOLA: . Conjuncture Bulletin (BOCA), Boa Vista, v. 12, n. 36, p. 48–58, 2022. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7482681. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.


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