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Jayne Souza Lira Ribeiro
José Henrique Aquino de Souza


The sexist and patriarchal society, throughout history, has reserved and still reserves for women a supporting role, that is, their achievements, when they appear, are linked to the male figure, in addition to excluding, of course, the participation of the gender feminine in the social context. In this sense, it is essential to emphasize the role of Serafina Dávalos, in the context of the 20th century, in Paraguay. Thus, this work aimed to highlight the silencing of the achievements of the personality that contributed so much to the insertion of women in working life and the right to vote, important activities for female independence and for the exercise of citizenship. In view of this, a dialogue was also sought about why some women almost never occupy a prominent position in society and in classrooms. The study methodology was based on a bibliographic approach. Therefore, the theoretical framework was composed by Dávalos (1907), Miranda (2007), Muller (2019), Hernandez (2016), Adichie (2019), Varejão (2020) and Lima and Merkle (2022). As a final result, the work brought a debate on the study of gender, that is, deconstructing some narratives and highlighting the achievements of Dávalos for the Paraguayan context and for Abya Yala.

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How to Cite
RIBEIRO, J. S. L. .; SOUZA, J. H. A. de . SERAFINA DÁVALOS: FIGHTS, ACHIEVEMENTS AND SILENCE. Conjuncture Bulletin (BOCA), Boa Vista, v. 10, n. 30, p. 113–122, 2022. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6551030. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 sep. 2024.


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