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Mateus Estevam Medeiros Costa
Silmara Aparecida Moraes
Nathalia Hanany Silva de Oliveira
Eslia Maria Nunes Pinheiro


The prejudice faced by LGBTQIAPN+ people in the workplace contributes to the deterioration of their health. Giving visibility to these issues is essential for promoting equity, inclusion and diversity. The aim of this study was to map scientific production related to violence and/or the health of LGBTQIAPN+ workers. This is a scoping review following the PRISMA-ScR guidelines. The study defined the research problem, selected data sources, and chose search descriptors. Sixteen studies were analyzed based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. Descriptive analysis using simple statistics was employed to present quantitative data, while thematic categorization grouped qualitative results into recurring themes. Results showed a higher concentration of qualitative studies in Southeast Brazil, published in journals focusing on Public Administration, Business, Accounting, and Tourism. The thematic categories identified include discrimination and violence at work, coping strategies, and the health of LGBTQIAPN+ workers. Studies on violence at work and the health of LGBTQIAPN+ workers are incipient, scattered and irregular, pointing to possible gaps in the continuity of research.

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How to Cite
MEDEIROS COSTA, M. E.; MORAES, S. A.; SILVA DE OLIVEIRA, N. H.; PINHEIRO, E. M. N. . VIOLENCE AND HEALTH OF LGBTQIAPN+ WORKERS: A SCOPE REVIEW. Conjuncture Bulletin (BOCA), Boa Vista, v. 20, n. 60, p. 119–145, 2024. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.14580172. Disponível em: Acesso em: 5 feb. 2025.


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