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Pollyanna Gonçalves Correia de Moraes
Gustavo da Frota Simões


Brazil has been receiving migrants and refugees due to the economic, political, and social crisis in Venezuela, influencing the launch of Welcome Operation to ensure humanitarian assistance to this population. In this sense, this article aims to answer: how does the use of the Armed Forces, especially the Brazilian Army, in the Welcome Operation contribute to ensuring human security for Venezuelan migrants and refugees? The concept of human security, as outlined by Buzan and Hansen, directs the focus to individuals as the main beneficiaries, incorporating concerns related to poverty, underdevelopment, hunger, and other factors that affect human integrity and potential. Thus, the work aims to understand how the use of the military contingent in the Welcome Operation, between the years 2018-2023, contributed to ensuring the human security of Venezuelans. To this end, the research analyzed the functioning and history of the Humanitarian Logistics Task Force (FT Log Hum) in Pacaraima and Boa Vista; sought to understand the concept of human security through the participation of the Armed Forces in humanitarian aid; and, finally, identified the actions to be improved to guarantee human security for this vulnerable population. As a methodology, the article adopted a qualitative approach, using the data triangulation technique that is based on crossing data from bibliographic research and official documents. The scientific articles were selected at databases indexed in Google Scholar. The study identified that the presence of the Armed Forces in the Welcome Operation contributed to the human security of Venezuelan migrants and refugees, providing basic assistance, such as food, shelter and medical care, in addition to promoting the process of internalization, which aims to integrate this population into other regions of Brazil. Finally, the results indicate that military employment sought to fill gaps in the State in terms of logistical capacity and organization for reception and humanitarian protection.

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How to Cite
MORAES, P. G. C. de; SIMÕES, G. . da F. . HUMAN SECURITY AND EMPLOYMENT MILITARY CONTINGENTS IN THE WELCOME OPERATION. Conjuncture Bulletin (BOCA), Boa Vista, v. 19, n. 57, p. 434–461, 2024. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.14202074. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 jan. 2025.


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