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The article proposes to analyze electoral violence in the 2018 municipal elections in Ilha de Moçambique, from a mixed approach through quantitative and qualitative data. Having triggered the inquiry through semi-open interviews, to voters who voted in the 2018 municipal elections in Ilha de Moçambique, we sought to understand the dynamics of acts of electoral violence and their meanings in Ilha de Moçambique. The research indicates that the electoral violence in Ilha de Moçambique has alarming levels, mostly led by members and sympathizers of political parties during the electoral race, due to the lack of political and civic education of party members and fear of losing power. We also noted that the biggest victims of these violent electoral acts are the members and sympathizers of political parties and that the sabotage of campaign material, intimidation, beatings, deaths and arrests are assumed to be the most common violent acts during the entire electoral process. The research also indicates that electoral violence has contributed to abstentions in the voting process, as people are afraid to approach polling stations for fear of physical or verbal aggression by the various political actors in the municipality, as electoral violence has become in a ritual.
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