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Tamires Somavilla
Simone Alves Pacheco Campus


This research aims to present an overview of social business incubators in the context of Brazilian universities and federal institutes. In addition, it presents the case of the UFSM Social Incubator in the national context. Using the deductive method, this study is an exploratory survey in which the incubators in the aforementioned educational institutions were mapped by region of Brazil. The data collection procedure was based on a bibliographic and documentary review, using content analysis and schematic and graphic analysis for data analysis. A total of 55 socially-based incubators linked to these institutions were found. The results apparently indicate that this number of incubators, by region in which they are located, is not in line with the distribution of Brazilian social businesses. Considering that 58% of social businesses are in the Southeast, the survey found that only 39% of universities and institutes in this region carry out the activity in question, while in the Midwest, with only 4% of Brazilian social businesses, 61.5% of institutions have a record of incubation activity. At the UFSM Social Incubator, it was observed that the social businesses that completed the incubation cycle, which ended in 2024, are in line with the national data already found for social businesses linked to the SDGs and socio-environmental impact purposes.

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How to Cite
SOMAVILLA, T.; CAMPUS, S. A. P. . AN OVERVIEW OF SOCIAL INCUBATORS IN THE CONTEXT OF BRAZILIAN UNIVERSITIES AND FEDERAL INSTITUTES. Conjuncture Bulletin (BOCA), Boa Vista, v. 21, n. 61, p. 76–96, 2025. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.14749342. Disponível em: Acesso em: 5 feb. 2025.
Author Biographies

Tamires Somavilla, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM)



Simone Alves Pacheco Campus, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM)





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