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Silvio Moises Negri
Marcelo Cervo Chelotti


The present research aimed to analyze in more depth the role played by second homes on Highways MT-471 and VRS-804, in the municipalities of Rondonópolis-MT and Silveira Martins-RS, as well as their socio-spatial organizations and economic impacts. In this research, it was necessary to use the qualitative, descriptive, analytical framework and the comparative method as a comprehensive method, which should be considered for the present work. As a technical-methodological reference, maps, aerial photos and digital cartographic bases were created, created and handled, using the geoprocessing software QGIS version 3.34, based on appropriate literature, on-site research at various institutions and primary and secondary data collections. It was found through this research that there have been socioeconomic impacts on local populations permanently residing in these areas, the influx of tourists and temporary owners is causing significant changes in local social dynamics, including an increase in the cost of living and changes in traditional patterns of community life. It is concluded that the analysis of the roles of second homes in MT-471 and VRS-804 reveals not only the occupation patterns, but also the significant impacts on the socio-spatial and economic organizations of the regions. 

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How to Cite
NEGRI, S. M.; CHELOTTI, M. C. SECOND RURAL RESIDENCE: NEW SOCIO-SPATIAL DYNAMICS ON THE MT-471 AND VRS-804 HIGHWAYS. Conjuncture Bulletin (BOCA), Boa Vista, v. 19, n. 57, p. 24–45, 2024. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.13894307. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 dec. 2024.


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