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Autism Spectrum Disorder is a neurodevelopmental condition associated with atypicality in behavior, communication, and social interaction. The diagnosis is made using internationally defined criteria, with multidisciplinary evaluation and the use of validated scales. The objective of this study was to present the meaning and consequences of the diagnosis and intervention of autism in Brazil. A qualitative study was carried out with thematic categorical analysis, using semi-structured interviews through vignettes. Eight health professionals, ten autistic people and ten family members of people with autism participated. The data revealed two thematic categories: 1) Diagnosis of autism and its consequences and 2) Therapeutic intervention for the autistic person. Obtaining an early diagnosis of autism is important for access to adequate therapeutic support, in order to improve clinical behavioral manifestations and self-recognition. Multidisciplinary actions are necessary and significant to improve the quality of life of autistic people. They recognize that the responsibility for the success of diagnosis and treatment is shared between family, school, health services and health professionals. Drug intervention is a necessary therapeutic support, but its use alone is not recommended and other methods should be included. Early diagnosis can provide the opportunity for autistic people to have their potentialities and needs recognized through therapeutic interventions consistent with individualized needs.
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