Main Article Content
This article aimed to understand the main challenges faced by new mothers in the process of returning to work after maternity leave. The theoretical framework was based on three perspectives that discuss gender inequality within organizations, addressing issues related to motherhood, the traditionally assigned roles of women, and the maternal burden. The world of work is still marked by gender inequalities, and motherhood contributes to exacerbating these disparities. Considering that professional life affects personal life and vice versa, this personal burden also contributes to gender inequality within organizations. The study adopted a descriptive approach, utilizing mixed methods (quantitative and qualitative). Primary data collection was conducted through a structured online form via Google Forms, containing 23 questions. Quantitative data analysis was performed using R and R Studio, allowing for the description of the respondents' socioeconomic profile and the establishment of correlations between responses. For qualitative data analysis, the content analysis methodology was used. The data were analyzed along two main axes: 1) Challenges faced by new mothers in their return to work routine and 2) Factors that assisted in the return to work of new mothers. Within these axes, three specific subcategories were identified: "support network," "organizational support," and "prejudice." The results indicate a lack of organizational support in the return to work of new mothers, as well as the importance of a support network in this process. The study concludes that the challenges encountered when returning to work stem from prejudice, a lack of organizational understanding of maternal realities, difficulty adapting to the new situation, and challenges in maintaining breastfeeding.
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