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This paper consists of the use of active methodologies in response to the following research problem: how to enhance the learning process about soil and water conservation in river basins? The main objective of this study was to analyze how active methodologies can improve the learning process about management and conservation of soil and water in river basins to mitigate problems of extreme hydrological events arising from climate change in 3 high school classes at the Federal Institute of Espírito Santo, Colatina campus. The planning was based on the use of two active methodologies: flipped classroom - FC (theoretical) and project-based learning - PBL (practical). The methodological steps consisted of: addressing the current problem of poor use and conservation of soil and its intercurrences with climate change, proposal of a project to execute a prototype river basin, conceptualization and selection of soil and water conservation practices to be used, evaluation and operation of the experiment, data collection and evaluation and discussion of the results. The methodological application allowed the actors involved in the learning process to expand their understanding of the main soil and water conservation practices and analyze surface and underground hydrological processes at the river basin level that could help mitigate problems of extreme hydrological events arising from climate changes. The results obtained showed learning with average class grades ranging from 68.06 (good concept) to 84.71 (very good concept) using the FC and excellent, ranging from 90.48 to 95.36 applying the methodology PBL. As a collective interpretation most accepted by the students, at the end of the application of the both active methodologies combined, it was found that the poor use and occupation of soil in river basins increase extreme hydrological events arising from climate change, which can be mitigated based on soil and water conservation practices, in order of priority: mechanicals, edaphics and vegetatives. It is concluded, therefore, that the proposal developed was effective, contributing to an education capable of providing learning from the context in which students are inserted, enabling the perception and development of technological knowledge to seek better solutions of the problem of climate change in watersheds.
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