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Silvio Moises Negri
Marcelo Cervo Chelotti


The object of study was MT-471, known as Rodovia do Peixe, in Rondonópolis-MT. The growing presence of second homes along this highway, in Rondonópolis since 2009, has raised questions about the impacts of this form of occupation on the socio-spatial and economic organization of the region. The general objective of this study is to analyze the role played by second homes on Rodovia do Peixe, in Rondonópolis-MT, from 2009 onwards, and their impacts on the socio-spatial and economic organization of the region. As a technical-methodological reference, land use maps were prepared, created and handled, using aerial photos and digital cartographic bases, as well as appropriate software for analyzing the objects of study, such as the geoprocessing software QGIS version 3.34 to map the highway area from appropriate literature, on-site research at various institutions and primary and secondary data collections. Therefore, we used the Case Study was used as a comprehensive method. It was found through this research that there has been a socioeconomic impact on the local population permanently residing in this area, the influx of tourists and temporary owners is causing significant changes in the local social dynamics, including an increase in the cost of living and changes in traditional patterns of community life. It is concluded that the analysis of the role of second homes on Rodovia do Peixe, in Rondonópolis-MT, reveals not only the occupation patterns, but also the significant impacts on the socio-spatial and economic organization of the region.

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NEGRI, S. M.; CHELOTTI, M. C. SECOND RURAL HOME AND SOCIAL-SPATIAL ORGANIZATION: RODOVIA MT-471, A CASE STUDY. Conjuncture Bulletin (BOCA), Boa Vista, v. 19, n. 55, p. 320–346, 2024. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.13377314. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 oct. 2024.


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