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Márcia Lúcia de Souza
Valéria Felix de Almeida


This article approaches motivation, evaluation, and construction of the senses in Basic Education, which has been discussed with singular relevance in the present, considering the normative determinations and educational reforms in the course. It aims to reflect on the need to train teachers who can rethink daily school life, guiding pedagogical action by conceptions and premises that allow choices and options appropriate to the context. Specifically, it aims to highlight the relevance of motivation and the construction of meaning for the studies, the valorization of previous knowledge, the need for active listening as a possibility of recognizing individual differences in teaching and learning. This study is justified to answer the question: how can teachers influence motivation in learning in the face of the various distractions of the contemporary world? The method is a bibliographic research with an empirical approach, characterized by an exploratory analysis.  The instrument for data collection uses semi-structured interviews. The results show an emerging construction of evaluation as a pedagogical motivational tool with intentionality, awareness of limits, personal and collective potentials, and valuing people. It is concluded that motivated teachers with training based on new pedagogical actions enable more significant learning in the construction of meanings according to the dynamics of the classroom.

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How to Cite
SOUZA, M. L. de .; ALMEIDA, V. F. de . CHALLENGES OF EDUCATION IN THE 21ST CENTURY: THE IMPORTANCE OF MOTIVATION IN THE PROCESS OF EVALUATION AND CONSTRUCTION OF MEANING. Conjuncture Bulletin (BOCA), Boa Vista, v. 8, n. 24, p. 61–73, 2021. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5733816. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 jan. 2025.


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