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Zulenilton Sobreira Leal
Juracy Marques dos Santos
Geam Karlo Gomes


Over the years, television journalism has played a significant role in shaping opinions on environmental conservation policies. In addition to providing information of public interest, television news also incorporates symbolic elements that shape our values and beliefs. Thus, this article aims to understand how this media product is influenced by myths and symbols and how these reflect our socio-environmental practices. The study, qualitative, descriptive, and documentary in nature, analyzes two television reports on the diversion of the São Francisco River's waters, one from 2007 and another from 2017. The approach method was inductive, involving the formulation of general conclusions based on specific observations. As a technical procedure, we transcribed the texts of the reports and then, through Mythocriticism, a methodology developed in the studies of the Anthropology of the Imaginary, we interpreted and identified the Mythemes, Mythologems, and the Canonical Narrative present in the way the news is produced. As a result of the study, we reveal the influence of the Greek myth of Prometheus, the indigenous myth of Sumé, and the Yoruba myth of Exu in the themes concerning human-nature interaction, illustrating the complexity of approaches related to progress and environmental conservation. In this way, this interdisciplinary study concludes that the complex interactions between society and nature can provide reflections on the role of culture and symbols in promoting ecological actions.

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How to Cite
LEAL, Z. S. . .; SANTOS, J. M. dos .; GOMES, G. K. TELEJOURNALISM AND TRANSPOSITION OF THE SÃO FRANCISCO RIVER: A SOCIO-ENVIRONMENTAL MYTHOCRITICISM. Conjuncture Bulletin (BOCA), Boa Vista, v. 18, n. 53, p. 161–191, 2024. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.11376031. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2024.


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