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Lillian Gilz Martins
Luiz Clement


This study presents the procedures related to the development and search for evidence of psychometric validity of the Interest Measurement Scale. The instrument was designed as a Likert scale to measure the development of interest in the didactic activities carried out in mathematics classes and in mathematics itself, based on the Four-Phase Model of Interest Development. The scale was applied to a sample of 583 students in the final years of middle school in some state public schools from Santa Catarina. The following statistical analyses were carried out: factor analysis, with extraction of the main components; internal consistency analyses; descriptive statistics; and Pearson correlation. The structure found for the scale consists of four representative factors: Factor 1- Triggered Situational Interest α=0.89; Factor 2- Emerging Individual Interest α=0.88; Factor 3- Maintained Situational Interest α=0.88; Factor 4- Well-Developed Individual Interest α=0.85, which explains 51.81% of the data variability. Therefore, the results obtained provide evidence of psychometric validity for the proposed scale and prove that it is reliable and suitable for use in future investigations that aim to measure the development of student interest.

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How to Cite
MARTINS, L. G.; CLEMENT, L. . THE FOUR-PHASE MODEL OF INTEREST DEVELOPMENT: EVIDENCE OF VALIDITY OF A SCALE. Conjuncture Bulletin (BOCA), Boa Vista, v. 18, n. 53, p. 115–136, 2024. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.11377240. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2024.
Author Biography

Lillian Gilz Martins, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina- UDESC



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