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Anna Augusta Sampaio de Oliveira


This study had the general objective of mapping and analyzing the organization of emergency remote teaching and the didactic strategies exercised in Early Childhood Education and the initial years of Elementary School and, to characterize more specifically how these actions were implemented in relation to the special education public and the use of assistive technology. As a form of data collection, an online questionnaire was used, using Google Forms, made available to teachers at these levels of education and specialized educational services, in state and municipal education networks. 520 teachers responded, from 15 Brazilian states. Data analysis was carried out in a quantitative-qualitative approach, using Google Suite tools and Atlas.ti Software, version 24. The results corroborate data from the literature on the intensification of socio-educational inequality in access to the internet network and electronic equipment and can identify the technological lack of preparation of Brazilian education in relation to access, use and the habit of using these tools as a learning instrument and the lack of institutional planning of education networks regarding pedagogical actions. In relation to the special education public, the same general difficulties were observed, accentuated by the lack of necessary resources to respond to the specific conditions of such students, such as lack of knowledge or lack of access to assistive technology, adjustments to materials in general and, specifically, in relation to Libras. According to teachers, the problem is accentuated in Early Childhood Education and in the area of Autism Spectrum Disorder. The study made it possible to identify that predominantly asynchronous activities were used, which required support and guidance for families.

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OLIVEIRA, A. A. S. de . EMERGENCY REMOTE TEACHING AND PEDAGOGICAL STRATEGIES DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. Conjuncture Bulletin (BOCA), Boa Vista, v. 18, n. 52, p. 531–561, 2024. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.11177512. Disponível em: https://revista.ioles.com.br/boca/index.php/revista/article/view/4127. Acesso em: 30 jun. 2024.


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