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The advancement of the debate on women's rights by feminist policies, whose dialogue arena is often the internet, faces opposition and antifeminist mobilizations. Considering this context, this article seeks to analyze comments disseminated on social media to understand the social representations mobilized by antifeminists about feminist women's participation in politics. The study, of a qualitative nature, is dedicated to exploring the records in a field diary, derived from an ethnography on the internet. The analysis and interpretation of the information took place in the light of feminist theories and the Theory of Social Representations. The results indicate that feminist politics are belittled in their intellect, in their appearance, their image are sexualized, and are constantly threatened. We conclude that through the argument of women's lack of interest in politics, the aestheticization of feminists, the accusation of immorality of feminism and the denial of gender political violence, a scenario is produced that has repercussions in violence for women.
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