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The study aims to analyze the energy and economic performance of the first-generation ethanol sugarcane agribusiness in the northern and northeastern states in the context of decarbonization policies. Secondary data collection was conducted, sourced from recognized official sources, along with a bibliographic review and documentary evidence examination with a technical and scientific bias, such as scientific articles, master's dissertations, doctoral theses, journals, and books, integrating the obtained data with the focus of the present research. The results indicate that in 2020, the total ethanol produced amounted to 32.6 billion liters, nevertheless, experiencing a decrease of 9.5% compared to 2019, while sugar production showed an increase of 39%, reaching 41.5 million tons, with exports growing by 71.7% or 13.9 million tons, resulting in two historical records in the timeline. It is concluded that this market presents the potential for greater participation from individuals and non-obligated legal entities, as the CBIO is not yet regulated as a listed product on the Exchange, thus needing to advance stages in the capital market, such as increasing its liquidity and having a future price curve through the development of derivatives.
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