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Douglas da Silva Araújo
Thiago Ferreira dos Santos
Rildenia Kelly de Oliveira Santos de Araújo


This study presents an essay on the crime of femicide, delimiting its concept, characteristics and species from its introduction in the Brazilian criminal legal system by Law n. 13.104, of March 9, 2015. The legislator, when disposing of this typical figure, established a new qualifier for the crime of homicide when committed against a woman for reasons of the female sex, which requires for its characterization that the crime has occurred due to domestic and family violence, contempt or discrimination against the status of women. In this context, the intention of this work is to analyze the aspects and nuances of femicide in order to understand when the crime will be configured.

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How to Cite
DA SILVA ARAÚJO, D.; FERREIRA DOS SANTOS, T. .; KELLY DE OLIVEIRA SANTOS DE ARAÚJO, R. . O FEMICIDE CRIME IN THE BRAZILIAN CRIMINAL LEGAL SYSTEM. Conjuncture Bulletin (BOCA), Boa Vista, v. 6, n. 18, p. 47–52, 2021. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4947415. Disponível em: https://revista.ioles.com.br/boca/index.php/revista/article/view/361. Acesso em: 27 jul. 2024.


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