Main Article Content
This article approach the marketing strategy and nutritional efficiency in hydroponic vegetable cultivation, a segment that has been growing in recent years. The objective of this research is to investigate how this strategy can improve the sales performance of these products. The methodology used was a bibliographical, exploratory research of a qualitative nature, with a case study of a medium-sized horticulture, leader in the hydroponic lettuce segment in Amazonas. The data collection method was a semi-structured interview with the owner of the organization, who was asked about their marketing and production practices. Data analysis was carried out using the SWOT tool, which identifies the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the business. The results demonstrated that product quality and nutritional efficiency are the organization's main competitive differentiators, but that strategic marketing practices are still incipient and can be improved with actions such as brand patenting, creation of a website and media profiles. digital strategies are suggested. From this research, it is concluded that scientific horticulture has a high potential for growth where the marketing strategy can contribute to increasing the competitiveness and profitability of horticulture, as well as disseminating the benefits of consuming hydroponic lettuce, elements crucial for future research, both for scientific knowledge and for professional practice.
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