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Luciana Holtz
Odilanei Morais dos Santos


Worker-recovered companies (WRCs) represent those in which workers assume the production process and management of the enterprise as a form of resistance and maintenance of their jobs. The research aims to describe the WRCs as hybrid organizations, based on the literature review and the confrontation with empirical data, pointing out their hybrid characteristics and the conflicts and tensions resulting from this condition. A qualitative case study was carried out, covering three WRCs of different characteristics, in which interviews were conducted with 21 subjects and document analysis. The results indicate that the WRCs surveyed sometimes assume the assimilated hybrid type, while others may assume the blocked one. In addition, it was possible to identify characteristics of social enterprises, thus allowing the classification of WRCs as hybrid organizations, with the identification of the combination of different institutional logics that cause numerous conflicts and tensions with which workers must live, overcome, or reconcile daily. As a fundamental contribution, there is the delimitation of the socio-historical context of the WRCs, allowing us to characterize these entities as hybrid organizations.

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HOLTZ, L.; SANTOS, O. M. dos . WORKER-RECOVERED COMPANIES FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF ORGANIZATIONAL HYBRIDISM. Conjuncture Bulletin (BOCA), Boa Vista, v. 17, n. 50, p. 273–304, 2024. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10681657. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 jan. 2025.


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