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Francisco Glauber de Oliveira Paulino
Jarles de Medeiros
Frederico Jorge Ferreira Costa
Maria Núbia de Araújo
Antoniele Silvana de Melo Souza


Understanding the impact of neoliberalism on society and its repercussions on the precariousness of contractual relationships in the world of work is a fundamental condition for strengthening the critical consciousness of the subject who aims to transcend the condition of alienation and, therefore, exploitation. Therefore, this scientific essay has as its theme the discussion about the archetypes that circumscribe the neoliberal economic and political phenomenon. It aims to discuss the activity of neoliberalism in political frameworks, on a global scale, problematizing the neoliberal manipulative praxis in the world of work. To this end, we started with the following problem: is there any relationship between the origin of neoliberalism, its implementation in world economic policy and the precarious conditions of human and labor subjectivation relations? Thus, a brief presentation was made about the elaboration, complexification and corrosive development of the social fabric of neoliberalism from its historical-philosophical ideation, initial and expansive application and, finally, how it operated upon arriving in Brazil. It is from this desideratum and social development that the fundamental problem of this essay is based, which aims to examine the relationship between neoliberal policies and the worsening of labor relations within a context of political practice for the development of capitalist society and human alienation. As a theoretical-methodological matrix, the study in question is anchored in the materialist and critical-dialectic perspective, of a theoretical-bibliographic nature. As a methodology for data collection, a bibliographic review was carried out on the state of the art on the topic. This type of research requires access to authors who will add to the theme studied, theoretically promoting the study, since it is possible to formulate questions, bring grounded reflections about the object of study, in addition to presenting what has been discussed in the literature based on the content available in books by renowned authors in areas such as sociology, philosophy and the like and scientific articles from Brazilian and foreign magazines available on scientific work search platforms, such as Scopus, Sciencedirect, SciELO and Web Of Science, with a time frame between 2019 and 2024. The research corpus was composed of 16 books and 4 articles published in Portuguese and 9 in English and Spanish. It is, therefore, a descriptive and exploratory reflection that aims to explain the relationship between this context of crisis and the world of work, highlighting limits and possibilities. The conclusions of this essay identify the main historical-philosophical archetypes of neoliberalism and its relationship with the social relations in force in today's capitalist society and suggest that, although the topic has a large scientific production, it is still under construction, which requires research that update it in light of its foundations.

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How to Cite
PAULINO, F. G. de O.; MEDEIROS, J. de; COSTA, F. J. F.; ARAÚJO, M. N. de .; SOUZA, A. S. de M. HISTORICAL-PHILOSOPHICAL PRINCIPLES OF NEOLIBERALISM AND ITS RELATIONSHIP WITH THE WORLD OF WORK. Conjuncture Bulletin (BOCA), Boa Vista, v. 17, n. 49, p. 677–699, 2024. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10613830. Disponível em: https://revista.ioles.com.br/boca/index.php/revista/article/view/3249. Acesso em: 18 dec. 2024.


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