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This article aims to enhance the approach to regional economic development through a multidimensional factorial analysis of indicators in 22 municipalities of the microregion of Montes Claros from 2012 to 2022. Using secondary data from the João Pinheiro Foundation – FJP, the results indicate low levels of development in the region, with emphasis on Montes Claros, highlighting disparities in healthcare infrastructure. The standardized scores point to Campo Azul as the municipality with the lowest index and Montes Claros with the highest, standing out due to its population predominance and economic development. The study emphasizes the urgency of public policies to strengthen the socioeconomic and housing structure, fostering regional development. Addressing disparities in economic indices among municipalities, there is a need for detailed analyses to understand the factors causing these differences. The article concludes by emphasizing the importance of specific studies on the economic development differential in the region, especially regarding tax revenue, aiming to guide actions and strategies of public policies to enhance this reality.
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