Main Article Content
The theme presented in this article deals with “aporophobia” as a sociological and philosophical category and “socio-territorial aporophobia” as a category of geographic analysis. The objective is to analyze aporophobia based on conceptual contributions from contemporary Political Geography (power relations, inequalities, oppression, and democracy) as actions in its socio-territorial dimension, i.e., contributions from the empirical (apparent real) and the concrete (thought real). As this is a research seeking to deepen the political scope of geographical science, specifically regarding hegemonized and subalternized power relations in the realm of social everyday life, the methodology was grounded in complementary axes: literature-based research, seeking theoretical contributions to support the discussion of the theme; empirical case studies as a reference to identify the “territorial” or “socio-territorial” aporophobia category, through online newspaper reports; analysis of the relationship between empirical evidence and dialogue with aporophobia in the literature of Adela Cortina and the “territorial” or socio-territorial category in geographical literature. The results identified in the study demonstrate that aporophobia, as a concept and as a prejudiced practice, is not recognized in Brazil as a real social problem requiring attention, reflection, and legislation criminalizing its exercise; aporophobia intensifies depending on the territorial cut that occurs, such as in peripheral areas at various scales (global-regional-local), authenticating the conjecture that it is also territorial or socio-territorial. The conclusion, therefore, is that socio-territorial aporophobia, in addition to being caused by all aspects of the origin of aporophobia, is also caused by the territorial framework of existence of those who suffer from it, with negative stereotypes that territories of the poor or poverty are territories of danger.
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