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Amanda Roberta Fonsêca do Nascimento
Ana Patrícia Pereira Morais
Alessandra Silva Xavier
Paulo César Almeida


Notably, the epidemiological, biopsychosocial and family impact, associated with deaths of adolescents and young adults due to self-extermination, characterizes suicidal behavior, in this age group, as a serious public health problem. Thus, in this study, as a general objective, it was assumed to describe the construction and validation of the face and content of a clinical-care algorithm, intended for the assessment, management and follow-up of suicidal behavior, respecting the diversity of adolescence, in the context of Primary Health Care. This is, therefore, methodological research for which was adopted what is proposed by Pasquali, in an adapted form, to the construction and validation of research instruments. This study includes: planning and selection of the theoretical-methodological framework, construction of the items that make up each step proposed by the algorithm and face and content validation through a questionnaire in the Likert scale format, made available electronically to seven judges -specialists, selected for healthcare and/or academic expertise (master's degree and/or doctorate), with at least five years of experience, in the areas of Family and Community Health, Public Health, Mental Health and/or Health Education, who evaluated nine questions about the appearance, relevance and   instrument's clarity. For data analysis, the IBM SPSS Statistics software was used. Through the face and content validation process, by the committee of expert judges, the Content Validity Index found, Global CVI = 0.98, was considered satisfactory. In the semantic analysis, the instrument was considered relevant, reliable and easily understood by members of Family Health Strategy teams, with heterogeneous professional experience, who work in PHC (N=8). For the Cronbach's alpha test, when evaluating the internal consistency of the judges' responses, a value of 0.794 was found, considered substantial. Therefore, a validated Brazilian instrument for the prevention of suicide among adolescents, and which can be operationalized in an interdisciplinary way, allows the provision of viable early interventions in PHC services. The clinical algorithm presented, adapted to the specificities of adolescence, reiterates training in primary mental health care, cooperative work and preservation of life, in highly vulnerable populations. Further studies are recommended, with the evaluation of other psychometric and statistical properties, such as construct validity and exploratory factor analysis.

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How to Cite
NASCIMENTO, A. R. F. do .; MORAIS, A. P. P.; XAVIER, A. S.; ALMEIDA, P. C. CLINICAL-CARE ALGORITHM FOR PREVENTION OF SUICIDE IN ADOLESCENTS IN THE CONTEXT OF PRIMARY HEALTH CARE. Conjuncture Bulletin (BOCA), Boa Vista, v. 16, n. 48, p. 299–323, 2023. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10406087. Disponível em: Acesso em: 7 mar. 2025.


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