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Carlos Humberto Zambrano Escamilla
Gina Morales Acosta


The present consists of the analysis of the resignification of ancestral values ​​based on socio-environmental practices in three community councils of the municipality of Guapi - Cauca in Colombia. The methodology is qualitative of a descriptive type oriented from the method of consultation of collective memory, beginning with the identification of the transfer of knowledge of members of the community recognized hierarchically with the category of “ancestor”, “knower/ a” “major”; followed by the characterization of the sustainable processes proposed by the residents in response to SDG 11. Taking into account the above, the findings are found in the location of ancestral and relevant ecosystem aspects, classified into viability parameters for the prevalence of the processes. sustainable community developments, which serve as input for the formulation of an environmental public policy that includes the worldview of native communities, presented in cultural terms as intangible heritage.

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How to Cite
ESCAMILLA, C. H. Z. .; ACOSTA, G. M. SOCIO-ENVIRONMENTAL REPRESENTATIONS AND PRACTICES OF THE BLACK COMMUNITIES OF GUAPI, COLOMBIA. Conjuncture Bulletin (BOCA), Boa Vista, v. 16, n. 47, p. 221–240, 2023. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10183278. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.


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