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Agriculture is one of the main sources of rent in the State of Paraná, where soil preservation has become a necessity, for which the Soil and Water Management Program in Hydrographic watershed was implemented, which envisages sustainable rural development. However, sparse studies were carried out in order to evaluate the efficiency of this program in the perception of family farming producers. In this context, a rural diagnosis was carried out through descriptive exploratory research with 27 families of producers in a community in Paraná. The evaluated program is classified as positive by the rural producers and the preservation of the soil and water has been carried out. The biggest obstacles diagnosed were the number of insufficient technicians to meet the demands, the form of execution of the planning and the lack of resources for other activities foreseen in the program and in particular diversification of production. It was concluded that the organization of producers can be an alternative to guarantee that the public policies foreseen in the program are fulfilled, it is hoped that the utopia still present in the proposals of public policies for the preservation of natural resources and in the reduction of poverty can be converted in reality, in order to become promoters of the development of the most vulnerable classes existing in the countryside, thus reducing social inequalities.
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Copyright (c). Conjuncture Bulletin (BOCA)
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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