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The objective of this research was to analyze public information related to the authenticity of organic foods in Amazonas, in order to identify the resources that guarantee the veracity of these products to consumers. The methodology used in this research was an inductive method, under a bibliographic-documentary nature, with a qualitative approach. According to Laurence Bardin (2011), six materials available on the websites of guiding bodies on the subject were analyzed. The analysis resulted in the formulation of four thematic categories: 1) Organic foods: guiding information; 2) Certification and marketing of organic foods; 3) Supervision of organic foods; and 4) Consumer security. The materials made available by national and state bodies and legislation on organic foods allow us to point out that the focus of the content is, for the most part, focused on certification and family farming. It was concluded that there is little or almost no information about transparency in inspections that ensure the authenticity and quality of organic products for Amazonians, nor that they provide data with regard to the production process and periodic quality assessments that can easily be identified by any person. It is therefore necessary that information to consumers has levels of clarity that generate confidence about the entire food production process until its acquisition.
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Copyright (c). Conjuncture Bulletin (BOCA)
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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